1968 Democratic National Convention Special Assignment
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NOTE: This assignment is only open to Chicago Documenters who attended the July 11 training.
Chicago Documenters is looking to create a retrospective that reflects the stories of regular Chicagoans who experienced the 1968 DNC. We think that looking back is a critical and necessary step towards understanding the upcoming DNC in Chicago.
This is an assignment to conduct an interview with a family or community member who was alive during the 1968 Democratic National Convention (DNC). They do not have to have been of voting age or to have attended the DNC, but should be able to share memories of that time.
Assignment requirements:
- Participate in 1.5-hour July 11 virtual training
- Identify an interviewee who is willing to participate and schedule a time to meet
- Conduct a 1.5-hour interview (in-person or virtual/phone), pausing and asking follow up questions as needed
- Record audio of the full interview for transcription
- Submit basic info about the interview via form
- [Optional] Edit and condense the transcript into a draft Q&A article
Guidelines: We anticipate the interview will take about 1.5 hours. You will record the audio and submit it along with the question form. We will generate a transcript of the interview which you can use to write your article. You will receive $100 for conducting the interview, recording and submitting an interview form. If you wish to complete a 500 word Q&A article based on your interview, you will receive an additional $50.
The entire assignment should take no longer than 5 hours to complete.
You may conduct only one interview.
All Documenters who plan to complete an interview and article must attend a special assignment training. All interview forms and articles must be completed and submitted via the assignment page by end of day (11:59 p.m.) August 2nd.