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Live reporting by DEISI BALLESTEROS
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Intergovernmental Agreement with DFSS; Golden Diners Program

Good Morning! I’ll be live-tweeting Board of Commissioners Chicago Housing Authority for @CHIdocumenters #CHIdocumenters. The meeting is scheduled to begin at 8:30 A.M.

08:32 AM Nov 15, 2022 CST

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Watch with me here:…
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Still waiting for the meeting to begin.
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Angela Hurlock , Chairperson began the meeting with informing the public with providing their comment. Informing the comment process to the public.
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September 20,2022 meeting minutes have been approved.
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Authorization to award contracts for MovingServices: item on the agenda being discussed at the moment. Three vendors who are doing an excellent job with helping residents move out.
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Item 2 on the agenda: Authorization to participate in a contract for t h e Supply of Natural Gas. Recommended Awardee: Constellation New Energy Gas Division, LLC., in the approximate value of $26,000,000.
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Next item on the agenda: Authorization to participate in the OMNIA Partners Cooperative Contract for Roofing and Waterproofing Systems and Services. Recommended Awardee: Garland/DBS Inc., in the approximate value of $16,000,000.
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Commissioner Washington mentioned that CHA inspect the roofing from the vendors to make sure everything is properly done.
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Items 4-6:Ann McKenzie, Chief Development Officer presenting.
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Environmental vendors are coming up and presenting to the commissioners in regards to the updates they have been doing within the communities
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Commissioner Washington commented on how residents have mold and leaks that they are experiencing at their buildings
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Department of Family and Support Services, Golden Diner have been allegedly using the funding money into staff salary. CHA youth programs will still be available for children and for parents to join for after school programs
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Item 8 on the agenda: Authorization to award contractsf o r Workforce Services forCHAresidents.
Recommended Awardees: Employment &Employer Services and UCAN, in an aggregate amount of $17,242,437.
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Mary H. Presenting on item 8 on the agenda mentioned that section 3 is no longer in the hiring process and are only in need of labor hours.
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Voting for items approval authorization 9-11. Motion approved for items 9-11
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Commissioner Harris has given a speech in regards to Veterans and thanking them for their service. She also invited them to share their stories at an event CHA hosted.
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There are 8 public members that would like to bring up any concerns or questions up during the meeting
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Public member stated she has been issues with squatters in one of the building she’s manages at.
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Meeting has gone into close meeting session and returning in approximately in an hour.