Board of Public Works
200 E Washington St Indianapolis 46204 (Directions)
City-County Building, Public Assembly Room (PAR)
The Board of Public Works reviews infrastructure projects and services for the Department of Public Works.
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Edited and summarized by the Indianapolis - IN Documenters Team
Live reporting by
Breone Dupree
Regular meeting of the Board of Public Works.
Hi everyone, I’ll be live tweeting the Board of Public Works at 1:00pm for #IndyDocumenters. Media Partners: @indydocumenters @mirrorindy
11:54 AM Dec 11, 2024 CST

@indydocumenters @mirrorindy The agenda can be found here:……

@indydocumenters @mirrorindy You can watch the live stream here:……

@indydocumenters @mirrorindy We have 4 board members present. 1. ADOPT THE AGENDA a. December 11, 2024 motion carries 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. Approval of November 13, 2024, Meeting Minutes motion carries

@indydocumenters @mirrorindy 3. STREET ACCEPTANCES Cameran Giles a. Glen Ridge Estates Sec. Motion carries

@indydocumenters @mirrorindy 4. RESOLUTIONS Shannon a. Resolution No. 15, 2024: Petition for Encroachment and Modification of the Right-of-Way of the Frank Killion Wadsworth Regulated Drain

@indydocumenters @mirrorindy 5. BID AWARDS Jayson a. Broad Ripple Outfall Rehabilitation Watt $156,300.00 Scenic Construction Services, Inc. Motion carries

@indydocumenters @mirrorindy 6. CHANGE ORDERS a. C/O No. 1: Washington St over Little Eagle Creek
$1,155,094.89 Pontem Contractors, Inc. The public wants this project done ASAP!! Motion Carries.

@indydocumenters @mirrorindy b. C/O No. 2: Chatham Arch Alley and Mary St. Reconstruction
$26,184.25 Evans Development Company, Inc. Motion Carries

@indydocumenters @mirrorindy c. C/O No. 3: 2022 Thoroughfare Drainage Improvements - Area 2 ($250,823.88) Howard Asphalt LLC. A 60-day extension of the contract is with this change. Motion carries.

@indydocumenters @mirrorindy d. C/O No. 16: Indianapolis Cultural Trail 2.0
$353,400.82 Beaty Construction, Inc. The Indianapolis Cultural Trail is footing the bill, not the city. Motion carries.

@indydocumenters @mirrorindy 7. CHANGE ORDERS – FINAL a. C/O No. 2 Final: Small Structure Replacement at 7000 and 7150 Camby Rd.
$4,000.00 Edge Construction, Inc Additional storm water protection is required with the $4k. Motion carries.

@indydocumenters @mirrorindy b. C/O No. 4 Final: North White River Parkway W Drive over Crooked Creek, outfall repair through WR-21 ($83,925.37) Temple & Temple Excavating & Paving, Inc. Motion carries.

@indydocumenters @mirrorindy c. C/O No. 2 Final and FA: 2023 Monument Circle and Market Street Brick Repair $505,501.10 Olco, Inc. No questions. Motion carries.

@indydocumenters @mirrorindy d. C/O No. 7 Final and FA: Monon Trail Rehabilitation - Phase 1 - from 10th St to 56th St. $0.02 Morphey Construction, Inc. Minor accounting error is resolved with this change. Motion carries.

@indydocumenters @mirrorindy 8. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENTS a. Union Station Bridge Rehabilitation
$2,050,937.70 Bollinger, Lach & Associates, Inc. DMD provides funding for this project. The rail company isn't carrying any cost as it's owned by the city though a track is on this bridge. Motion carries.

@indydocumenters @mirrorindy Jayson Wyatt has been presenting each of these for clarification. That will change as we continue.

@indydocumenters @mirrorindy b. Madison Ave Road Diet – Pleasant Run Pkwy to Ray St
$1,580,661.87 Lochmueller Group, Inc. Motion carries.

@indydocumenters @mirrorindy c. Quality Management & Independent Assurance Materials Testing $500,000.00 7NT Engineering, LLC ENG-24-009 No questions. Motion carries.

@indydocumenters @mirrorindy d. On-Call Quality Management and Independent Assurance Materials Testing
$500,000.00 S&ME, Inc. ENG-24-010 No questions. Motion carries.

@indydocumenters @mirrorindy f. 38th St. over Little Eagle Creek Rehabilitation $412,064.00 Fishbeck, Thompson, Carr & Huber, Inc. BM-16-505 John Bowen is presenting. This is a MBE company. This is a paving project on the west side. Complete Streets analysis is applied to this 46th St project. Motion carries

@indydocumenters @mirrorindy f. 38th St. over Little Eagle Creek Rehabilitation $412,064.00 Fishbeck, Thompson, Carr & Huber, Inc. BM-16-505 Bridge repair on 38th over the creek. No questions. Motion carries.

@indydocumenters @mirrorindy g. Kentucky Avenue over State Ditch $409,800.00 American Structurepoint, Inc. BR-37-031 No questions. Motion carries.

@indydocumenters @mirrorindy h. High School Road over Conrail $401,185.00 CrossRoad Engineers, PC BM-23-078 High School Rd bridge repair over Conrail Railroad. No questions. Motion carries.

@indydocumenters @mirrorindy i. Meridian Street over Pleasant Run $203,030.00 Corradino LLC BM-32-135 Bridge rehab project. Motion carries w/o questions.

@indydocumenters @mirrorindy j. Lilly Lake Dam and Spillway Rehabilitation
$330,000.00 Christopher B. Burke Engineering, LLC CL-08-002 Shannon Killion is presenting. No questions. Motion carries.

@indydocumenters @mirrorindy 9. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AMENDMENTS a. Amendment No. 2: On-Call Stormwater Design and Inspection Services
$80,000.00 United Consulting Engineers, Inc. ENG-21-025 No questions. Motion carries.

@indydocumenters @mirrorindy b. Amendment No. 3: On-Call Stormwater Design Services $100,000.00 WSP USA, Inc. ENG-20-021 Updated rates and extension of contact to the end of 2026. No questions. Motion carries.

@indydocumenters @mirrorindy c. Amendment No. 1: On-Call Transportation Inspection Services Watt $0.00 Clark Dietz, Inc. ENG-22-009 Jason is back. This is a time and rates amendment. No questions. Motion carries.

@indydocumenters @mirrorindy d. Amendment No. 1: Post Road & Raymond Street Roundabout
$0.00 CrossRoad Engineers, PC ST-34-041 An added MBE subcontractor is included in this amendment. No questions. Motion carries.

@indydocumenters @mirrorindy e. Amendment No. 1: Residential Street Reconstruction – Sector 3 (SE) $149,207.88 The Corradino Group Inc. ST-23-079 No questions. Motion carries.

@indydocumenters @mirrorindy f. Amendment No. 1: West Washington St. over Little Eagle Creek (2415F) $240,824.02 Woolpert, Inc. BM-24-113 Extends the deadline to the end of 2025 for an additional fall inspection. No questions. Motion carries.

@indydocumenters @mirrorindy g. Amendment No. 1: On-Call Construction Warranty Services $250,000.00 Bollinger, Lach & Associates, Inc. ENG-21-015 No questions. Motion carries.

@indydocumenters @mirrorindy h. Amendment No. 1: 38th Street over Dry Run STBG FY2024 $78,198.19 Hanson Professional Services Inc. BM-16-503 More funding and time for inspection work through the end of 2025. No questions. Motion carries.

@indydocumenters @mirrorindy i. Amendment No. 4: On-Call Transportation Inspection Services $75,000.00 DB Engineering LLC ENG-21-022 More funding for inspection work. No questions. Motion carries.

@indydocumenters @mirrorindy Agenda changed to allow John Bowen to present all action items J-R together.

@indydocumenters @mirrorindy John presented J-R together minus N & Q. There were no questions and the motion passed. He then presented N & Q separately. No questions. Motion carries.

@indydocumenters @mirrorindy s. Amendment No. 1: On-Call Transportation Design Services $250,000.00 Hanson Professional Services, Inc. ENG-23-006 Additional funding for a bridge maintenance project near Bridgeport Rd. No questions. Motion carries.

@indydocumenters @mirrorindy t. Amendment No. 2: Keystone Ave. over Howland Ditch and Keystone Ave. over Bailey Creek $10,900.00 VS Engineering BM-11-102 Additional utility coordination services needed at the crosswalks on Keystone near this project in 2025. No questions. Motion carries.

@indydocumenters @mirrorindy u. Amendment No. 2: Thoroughfare Drainage Improvements – Area 7 $283,700.00 HNTB Corporation SD-23-102 This is an East 10th St. project that includes utility relocation. No questions. Motion carries.

@indydocumenters @mirrorindy v. Amendment No. 3: On-Call Transportation Design Services $250,000.00 Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. ENG-21-018 Country Club Rd project will combine bridge and road upgrades. No questions. Motion carries.

@indydocumenters @mirrorindy w. Amendment No. 5: On-Call Transportation Design Services $1,000,000.00 Hanson Professional Services, Inc. ENG-20-015 2-way conversion of 29th & 30th St. No questions. Motion carries.

@indydocumenters @mirrorindy x. Amendment No. 6: On-Call Design Services $3,760,000.00 American Structurepoint, Inc. ENG-21-010 The downtown 1-way to 2-way project design and NEPA document are in this amendment. 8-10 roads are included. No questions. Motion carries.

@indydocumenters @mirrorindy y. Amendment No. 1: On-Call Traffic Engineering Services
$0.00 A&F Engineering Co., LLC ENG-23-010 Mark St. John presented. No questions. Motion carries.

@indydocumenters @mirrorindy z. Amendment No. 5: Capital Improvement Program
$0.00 Unified Informatics, LLC SY-20-013 Nathan Sheets presenting. Software for Capital Improvement Projects. Extends the agreement as well. No questions. Motion carries.

@indydocumenters @mirrorindy 10. FINAL ACCEPTANCE a. 2022 Thoroughfare Structural Rehab – Area 1
$3,082,999.84 E&B Paving Inc. ST-22-092 Jason presented. No questions. Motion carries.

@indydocumenters @mirrorindy 11. OTHER AGREEMENTS a. It’s My City $5,293,147.70 Keep Indianapolis Beautiful, Inc. This agreement has many city beautification efforts. Shannon is presenting. The contact period is 2025 to 2027. Motion carries.

@indydocumenters @mirrorindy a&b Amendment No. 2: The Winter Supply of Hot Mix Asphalt and Strip Patching Services
$3,000,000.00 Est. Rieth-Riley Construction Co., Inc. RFP-14DPW-1544 and Milestone Contractors, L.P. RFP-14DPW-1528 These are to fix roads once the weather breaks. Motion carries on both.

@indydocumenters @mirrorindy c. Amendment No. 4: Legal Services Agreement
Stevenson Legal Group, LLC Stevenson will support real estate legal services and litigation. Brian Cavanaugh is presenting. No questions. Motion carries.

@indydocumenters @mirrorindy 13. WALK-ONS. There are no details on the agenda, but you can get the info from the video.

@indydocumenters @mirrorindy 14. OTHER BUSINESS None 15. MOTION TO ADJOURN Meeting Adjourned: 2:25 PM
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