[remote or in-person] Commission on Chicago Landmarks

Commission on Chicago Landmarks

Thursday, Oct. 3, 2024
12:45 p.m. — 2:45 p.m. CDT

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121 N LaSalle St Chicago, IL 60602 (Directions)

Room 201A

You have the option of documenting this meeting of the Chicago Commission on Landmarks (and the subsequent Permit Review Committee meeting, if it is held) in person or remotely.

If you choose to attend in person, an additional hour will be added to your total assignment hours. You may be asked to provide government-issued photo ID and to go through a metal detector.

If you choose to document remotely, the meeting will be live-streamed at https://vimeo.com/event/2354896. Please be aware that once in a while the meeting is held in a room that doesn’t have livestream capabilities; please email us if you notice this before we do so we can adjust the plan. More info about this is at https://www.chicago.gov/city/en/depts/dcd/supp_info/landmarks_commission.html just above the meeting schedule section.

After the fact, the video recording should be available at this link, likely just titled “DPD Live.” It may have a different date/time on it than when the meeting actually took place, so you may need to search or skim back a bit.

Check the source website for additional information


Edited and summarized by the Chicago - IL Documenters Team

Live reporting by Luis Badillo

The Commission on Chicago Landmarks took the first step in recommending the Erie Street Row building for landmark status

Luis Elias Badillo @Agent_Eli
Happy to be live tweeting the Commission on Chicago Landmarks on behalf of the Chicago @CHIdocumenters

12:48 PM Oct 3, 2024 CDT

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First up is the recommendation for the Erie Street Row building being presented. Demolition for this site has been withdrawn
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Criteria: heritage, notable persons and architecture. History being presented: -in 1871 was burnt down but rebuilt during the great Chicago fire - by 1913 row building was in was called the greystone inn. -1920, Michigan Ave bridge opened nearby, bringing commercial crowd
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Tenants were largely creative persons and firms as shown in slide pictured
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Italian style architecture being showcased now.
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Two people just Johnson O’Connor and Eleanor manning O’Connor: an aptitude researcher and architect respectively. Johnson did aptitude testing for GE. Eleanor worked with husband to promote women to work in STEM feilds.
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Having a little trouble transcribing all the history of the O’Connors but the slides are presenting the research here
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That concludes the presentation of the criterion met for the Erie Street Row landmark nomination. Additions to the row being recommended for demolition
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Commissioners have no questions, going to to public comment Gale Spreen(?)
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She recommends supporting
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Frank Butterfield is next: -Excellent example of Italian Architecture -builds like this are essential to understanding Chicago’s history -Sadly fewer of these places remain -Streeterville being dominated by high rises
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Paul Davey(?) -retail picture frame shop owner in building -refers to “our cliental” as a melting pot -ultimately recommends it to remain for future generations
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Frame shop employee runs art gallery on the second floor - building is a unique part of the neighborhood -thanks for opportunity to speak
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Director of preservation Chicago (couldn’t quite get name) -structure is amazing component of N Michigan Ave -these buildings have survived for over 150 years - there are so few of these that remain -thinks O’Connor criteria is strong argument to designate landmark
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Building is preliminary landmark, unanimous
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Harris Trust and Savings Bank
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Looks like the proposal suggests converting this building to affordable housing
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Proposal 345 living units, many of which would be affordable housing units. Historical status also would help with funding
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Public comments. Back to Warren(?) miller: -Preservation Chicago “greatly” supports landmark status and redevelopment. -hoping developer can keep two-story lobby space. -alludes to antique green marble in courtyard and wishes for it to be preserved
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Toutes the redevelopment as wonderful
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Motion to to request consent from property owners: Unanimous approval
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Next on the docket, Kingdom Baptist Church
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No speakers or presentation: Motion to request consent to property owners: unanimous approval
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One of the commissioners speaking on public comments received. 4 recommendations for potential historical sites. Was unable to get the addresses
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Er, Motion to approve recommendations international register of historic places. Unanimous approval.
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Final item: review reports of sept 12 meeting 6 projects approved then.
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Announcements: - next Hearing on Thursday October 17th regarding demolition building which I will have to get from meeting minutes since this one also went by a little fast.
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That concludes today’s live tweeting of the Commision On Chicago Landmarks on behalf of @CHIdocumenters. Thanks!

Agency Information

Commission on Chicago Landmarks

The Commission on Chicago Landmarks is responsible for recommending buildings, structures, sites and districts for legal protection as official Chicago landmarks. Staffed by the Historic Preservation Division of the Department of Planning and Development (DPD), the commission is also responsible for reviewing proposed alterations to existing landmarks and districts, as well as proposed demolitions of structures considered to be historically or architecturally significant.

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