Return to Utilities Committee
Live reporting by Alicia Moreland
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Electric rate-lowering program moves forward

Alicia Moreland @DDutchCreative
Good Morning Cleveland! I'll be live-tweeting Cleveland City Council's Utilities Committee meeting, starting at 10am, for @cledocumenters and @signalcleveland

08:55 AM May 2, 2024 CDT

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On the agenda for today:
The Department of Public Utilities will present on the findings of the Administration’s rate study, which was recently completed, on water and water pollution control.
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Council will also be considering the lease renewal for Cleveland Public Power’s East Side service center, which is in limbo, as well as a proposal to extend the city’s Sustainable Ohio Public Energy Council Community Choice Aggregation Program.
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For a summary of what's been discussed up to this point, see @signalcleveland's coverage…
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@signalcleveland The meeting was called to order a few minutes after 10. We then went right into legislation: Emergency Ord 386-2024, renewal of the SOPEC contract.
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@signalcleveland This has been under discussion quite a bit. Under this contract customers would pay 6.302 per kilowatt hour cents versus First Energy's pricing of 11.08 per kilowatt hour. Pricing is fixed for two years and would save the average consumer a little over $200/year.
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@signalcleveland Fixed pricing does mean that if prices go down customers will still pay the fixed rate. customers can opt-out of this program. 386-2024 was approved.
373-2024, a contract to fix the LED displays off N. Marginal Road (By the whale mural on I-90) was also approved
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@signalcleveland Next up: 167-2024. Council had many of their questions answered during a tour of the facility. Council is unhappy paying 250K rent per year for a facility it doesn't own and is seeking better solutions down the road. 167-2024 was approved with a small amendment made by Kris Harsh
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@signalcleveland Up next: The Department of Public Utilities presents it's findings of the Administration’s rate study, which was recently completed, on water and water pollution control.
The Water portion of the presentation went first.
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@signalcleveland Water Pollution portion came next.
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@signalcleveland Conclusions: Modest rate increases (about $9 a year for the average user) are needed to pay for capital improvements. This graph shows the aging pipe system by age and material, with pipes as old as the 1870's needing replaced.
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@signalcleveland The committee meeting wrapped up about ten minutes to noon.
Have questions? Think we got something wrong? Send any inquiries on the meeting or these tweets to @cledocumenters. Or email us at