Live reporting by
Christina Easter
Accountability committee talks police records and discipline appeals
Good evening Cleveland and beyond! I will be live tweeting the Community Police Commission meeting starting at 6:00. #CLEDocumenters @signalcleveland @cledocumenters Watch now or later at……
04:59 PM Feb 13, 2024 CST
@signalcleveland @cledocumenters The Cleveland Community Police Commission (CPC) was established in 2015 as part of the terms of the Consent Decree between the City of Cleveland and the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ). Learn more about the CPC here
@signalcleveland @cledocumenters Correction: Tonight's meeting is the Police Accountability Committee which is a committee of the CPC.
@signalcleveland @cledocumenters The Police Accountability Committee has oversight of the disciplinary process, analysis of disciplinary & accountability data, & is the lead committee for prepping evidentiary hearings related to disciplinary actions & generation of reports related to discipline & accountability.
@signalcleveland @cledocumenters Members of the Police Accountability Committee include Teri Wang (chair), John Adams, James Chura, and Sharena Zayed.
@signalcleveland @cledocumenters Roll call - Teri Wang and James Chura are present and Zayed and Adams are not present.
@signalcleveland @cledocumenters First up is Workgroup Report update - Gender based Violence Workgroup and Jason Goodrick, executive director of the CPC says this Workgroup will not be activated until the second half of this year.
@signalcleveland @cledocumenters Next is the Brady/Giglio Work Group which will meet Feb. 15 to finalize the rubric and list based on the categories of the 2022 Disciplinary Notices within the next couple of months. Brady/Giglio relates to the Cuyahoga prosecutor process for tracking cops w/credibility concerns.
@signalcleveland @cledocumenters Next is the Discipline Work Group - the Group is almost done with the manual sets forth all the police officers must obey; these rules have not changed in almost 30 years; the Group will try to make the rules fair, balanced, and consistent.
@signalcleveland @cledocumenters Next, Old Business - Nat'l Assoc. of Civilian Oversight of Law Enforcement whose mission is to create a community of support for independent, civilian oversight entities that seek to make local law enforcement agencies/jails/prisons more transparent, accountable & responsive.
@signalcleveland @cledocumenters The CPC is missing an evidentiary process for requests that come before it and Martin ... attorney for the CPC is working on drafting hearing procedures for requests that come before the CPC.
@signalcleveland @cledocumenters The CPC can release the draft procedures to the public to solicit feedback. Goodrick and the members discuss how the procedures will be handled after the CPC has the draft.
@signalcleveland @cledocumenters A copy of the Agenda can be obtained here -……
@signalcleveland @cledocumenters Next, update on records requests - there are two appeals before the CPC and the commissioners want additional files on these cases; there is discussion regarding who the Cleveland's Public Safety Inspector General (IG) reports too.
@signalcleveland @cledocumenters Signal Cleveland's Anastazia Vanisko reported on this on Feb. 6 - read about it here:……
@signalcleveland @cledocumenters Next is a presentation on Discipline Flow Charts by Ryan Walker, Senior Policy Analyst at CPC. The presentation will have to be requested because it is not visible 🧐
@signalcleveland @cledocumenters Next: Public Comment and first is Lu who questions how officers know the rules they are to follow; there are not enough commissioners appointed to the CPC with critical thinking skills; the rules and accountability committees are the backbone of the CPC.
@signalcleveland @cledocumenters Next public commenter is Rosie Palfy who wants to address a story published today about the CPC proposed new executive director.
@signalcleveland @cledocumenters The article centers around a dispute between Mayor Justin Bibb and the CPC which started in June 23 after the commission voted 7-5 to make Jason Goodrick the permanent executive director for CPC.
@signalcleveland @cledocumenters That's it. Have questions? Think we got something wrong? Send any inquiries on the meeting or tweets to @cledocumenters or email us at DEUCES.