Live reporting by
Nicholas Ventura
Cavs practice facility on riverfront gets final approval
Nick Ventura
Hi #Cleveland, I'll be reporting on today's Cleveland City Planning Commission meeting scheduled to start today, October 4th, 2024 at 9 am. The commission regularly meets at 9am the 1st & 3rd Fridays each month. #CLEdocumenters @CLEdocumenters @signalcleveland #LocalNewsMatters
10:57 AM Oct 4, 2024 CDT
The City Planning Commission is charged with planning for a future where the City of Cleveland is a thriving urban community, resilient in the face of changing regional, national, and global conditions.
I've got my espresso in hand and am ready for this meeting. The agenda can be found here; .……
Commission members are as followed: Lillian Kuri, Chair August Fluker, Vice Chair Charles Slife, Ward 17 City Council member Denise McCray-Scott Andrew Sargeant Isabella McKnight Erika Anthony
Pre-amble was read. Lillian Kuri is here on Zoom. The meeting officially started at 9:01am. Meeting rules were read. 1st order of business is to approve minutes from Sept. 20th meeting.
Map Change 2682, which establishes a zero (0) foot Mapped Building Setback from the property line along the easterly and westerly sides of West 26th Street between Lorain Avenue and Chatham Avenue. This is a Zoning Map Amendment. The presenter is Xavier Bay, Zoning Planner.
Approval was made, and a 2nd. Role was called. Motion carries. Onto NE2024-019 Lee Memorial Church Wall Sign seeking Final Approval. Applicant is proposing 1 electric business identification sign. It also has advanced scheduling, so they're able to schedule a 7-day week.
Charles Slife said that there was a precedent to move onto an electronic sign. Motion was made to approve for final. There is a 2nd. Role was called, motion carries.
Onto EC2024-027 Residential Demolition seeking Final Approval at 9410 Kennedy Avenue. They were having trouble w/ slides but went on verbally. There's not that many structures left in this area. Gabriella wasn't here from Apex Construction so they postponed this item.
DF2024-044 Sheraton Hotel Demolition seeking final approval. Bradford Beckert w/ Dept. of Port Control w/ City of Cleveland is here to speak. He said that the building is in disarray.
Motion was made, 2nd- role was called. Motion carries. Next under this list is DF 2023-058 Cavs & Clinic Global Peak Performance Center seeking Final Approval. Project address is W. 3rd & Eagle Ave./Stones Levee. The Project Representative: Nora Romanoff, Bedrock.
The focus today is on the architecture of the new performance center. The walk along the riverfront will be about 3,000 ft. Public art will be coming back at a later date, but it was shown on many of the pictures during the presentation.
Some more photos of the renderings are shown here. --- Questions and comments open for the board; 1 of the comments was that the metal looked orange & to make a precedent to make it look more metal. Lillian Kuri said that this will be an exceptional moment on the river.
Slife said that the underpass will be a dynamically programmed into a destination that pulls them into the riverfront. Motion was made to approve final review, seconded, role was called. Motion carries
Next on today's agenda is SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS - PUBLIC ART. 1st under this list is NE 2024-018 E. 72nd St. Retaining Walls Murals – Seeking Final Approval. The Location: E. 72nd Street, between Detour Ave. & Railroad Track. The presenter is Joe Lanzilotta with LAND Studio
Motion was made to approve, seconded, role was called- motion carries. St. Clair Superior Lisa Quine Mural seeking Final approval. Motion was made to approve. seconded- motion carries. All yes'.
They went back to DF 2024-042 IlluminateCLE Donor Recognition Artwork seeking Final Approval. Northside of public square*. Alex Harnocz, Director of Destination Development also spoke. He said that they haven't looked into putting it into a planting bed, but they'll look into it.
Motion was made to approve with caveat that they move the art piece+additional signage illuminating 24 hrs, seconded, motion carries. Onto mandatory referrals. Ord. No. 991-2024, Jenna Thomas with Bike Cleveland is here to speak. @jennaincle-- Motion was made, seconded, carries
Ord. No. 1010-2024; Rich Switalski, administrative manager, is here to speak. motion was made, seconded, motion carries.
Next referral is Ord. No. 1013-2024; this is the building they saw last year for Landmarks Commission. Motion was made to approve, seconded- motion carries.
Mandatory Referral Ord. No. 1068-2024. There's no slide presentation. This project will create 600 permanent full time jobs, 1.6 million dollars in tax revenue. There will be 260 construction. 227 apartments will be here. Motion to approve was made, seconded- motion carries
Motion to approve was made for 1069, seconded, motion carries. They went really fast on this one.
Gabriella Sharman (Exterior Project Manager at INNERFACE Architectural SignageInc) is here to present. It'll be in the little grey and blue marked area. There's also a landscaping plan. This will be changing every 15 seconds. Motion to approve w variance, seconded, motion carries
Director's Report is posted in screenshots; Meeting adjourned at 11:48am. Next meeting is Friday, October 18th, 2024. Have questions? Think we got something wrong? Send any inquiries on the meeting or these tweets to @cledocumenters. Or email us at